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Project evolution

Project evolution

On this page we are showing potential clients just a handful of projects we’ve managed, to give them an idea about how, over just a short period of time, small plants can bloom into voluminous flowering shrubs. By short, generally we mean around three to six months depending on the specie and the climate.

The growth of a plant depends on its root development; the growth you can see above ground is directly related to the root growth below the ground. Therefore, soil preparation and adequate care are essential for a successful garden.

We look forward to helping boost the appeal of your garden with our comprehensive gardening services.

This was a project we did for an advertising agency. It involved the construction of raised beds and the creation of a verdant back drop of vegetables and climbing plants for the acting to take place in the foreground.

This shade garden was designed and constructed over a period of days, and the planting was carried out over months, as the required variation of winter and summer flowering species became available in the nurseries. The difference in time between the first plant photo and the last is just 6 months, quite a spectacular difference I’m sure you’ll agree. In this case, the key was finishing the project before the end of spring, when abundant rain followed by warm weather caused an explosion of growth. The summer months were enjoyed in the cool shade of the already present holm oak.

In this cultivation table you can see how the seedlings progressively occupy the space available over just six to eight weeks, when many of them became available for harvest – there’s nothing quite like fresh organic leaves for your summer salads.


This hotel asked us for a verdant, overflowing and colourful terrace, one that would create atmosphere and break up the hard surfaces of the decking and walls. After a year, what started as small shrubs have now reached almost 1.5 metres tall, enclosing the spacing and providing a relaxing backdrop for the hotel guests. Commonly known plants such as adelfas and euryops provide almost all year round flowers and foliage, with minimal fuss and leaf drop.

Here you can see one of our earlier jobs, many years ago. One that is still dear to us as we continue to maintain the vegetable patch and garden for this client after such a long period of time. When we started it was an abandoned veg garden, half the size and with terrible soil structure. Progressively the soil has been improved and the harvests have increased, providing year round crops for the owners.


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